Krunch & Peggy Sue


Am Ch/3X Sel Can Ch Silverhill's Kaptain Krunch, OFA

Ch.Silverhill's Excalibur Jolaine, OFA x Ch. Silverhill's Fallon, OFA

New Champion

Canadian National

What A Hunk!


Krunch came to us from Shirley Raymond of Pilgrim Shepherds.  Born in Canada he won Best Puppy at the Canadian National at 9 months of age and completed his Canadian championship in his teens.  He then went on to earn 2 Canadian National Select titles before coming to the States where he completed his U.S. championship in 7 shows.  We then took him back to the Canadian National where he earned his third Select title.



The Foundation of Tacora

Ve-Laurs PegO'MyHeart Hylock  


Am.Sel.Ch./Can.Sel.Ch. Ardric's Stromberg x Ch. Ve-Laurs Hearbeat Hylock


Peggy Sue also came to us on a co-ownership with Shirley Raymond from Pilgrim Shepherds.  She and I have done many successful co-breedings over the years with our Shepherds.




Can. Ch. Tacora's  Joy To The World Pilgrim

Tacora's Rocky Top Krunch

Pilgrim's Keep The Faith Tacora






Lakewood's Cilantro Pilgrim, OFA

Sire: Am.Ch./Can.Sel.Ch. Lin-Ter's Tiburon,OFA 
Dam: Cool Breeze of River Ridge, OFA


Hickoryhills Summer of Bihari, OFA

Sire: G.V.Ch. Hickoryhills Bull Durham, OFA
Dam: Carlos Amber of BerJan's


Tacora's Tennessee Pride Pilgrim, OFA



Chablis Coda's Mis-Behaving, OFA

sire:  Am.Sel.Ch. WeLove DuChien's  Harrison, OFA

Dam:  Ch. Coda's Precocius v Chablis, OFA


Sire:  Pilgrim/Tacora's Tennessee Pride, OFA
Dam:  Chablis-Coda MisBehaving, OFA


Prayer of a Stray

Dear God please send me somebody who'll care!
I'm tired of running, I'm sick with despair
My body is aching, it's so racked with pain
And dear God I pray as I run in the rain

That someone will love me and give me a home
A warm cozy bed and a big juicy bone
My last owner tied me all day in the yard
Sometimes with no water and God that was hard!

So I chewed my leash God and I ran away
To rummage in garbage and live as a stray
But now God I'm tired and hungry and cold
And I'm Oh so afraid that I'll never grow old

They've chased me with sticks, hit me with stones
While I run the streets just looking for bones
I'm not really bad God please help if you can
For I have become just another "victim of man!"

I'm wormy dear God and I'm ridden with fleas
and all that I ever wanted was an owner to please
If you find one for me God I'll try to be good
I won't chew their shoes and I'll do as I should

I'll love them; protect them and try to obey
When they tell me to sit to lie down or to stay!
I don't think I'll make it too long on my own
Cause I'm getting so weak and I'm Oh so alone

Each night as I sleep in the bushes I cry
Cause I'm so afraid God that I'm gonna die
I've got so much love and devotion to give
That I should be given a new chance to live

So dear God please,oh please answer my prayer
and send me to somebody who will really care
That is dear God if You're really there!

John Quealy